Hi, all.
boost::tuple provide a member template function get to gain a element of tuple, As following:
#include "boost\tuple\tuple.hpp"
using namespace boost;
template<typename T>
class TA{public:
template<typename T1, typename T2>
void testfun(T1 e1, T2 e2)
tuple<T1, T2> t1(e1, e2);
//T1 _e1 = t1.template get<0>(); //works
T1 _e1 = t1.get<0>(); //works for boost::tuple
However, according c++98, t1.get<0>() seems to should be encounter a compilor error.
I want to known how boost::tuple avoid this compile error.
int main()
int i=10;
float f=10.5f;
TA<char> obj;
obj.testfun(i, f);
return 0;
The above sample pass the compilation of gcc3.4.2 and gcc 4.2.4.
According to boost::tuple, I implement a new tuple by myself. as following:
(In fact, the following code is mostly extracted from boost::tuple. )
namespace testNS{
template<int N, class T>
struct element
typedef typename T::tail_type Next;
typedef typename element<N-1, Next>::type type;
template<class T>
struct element<0,T>
typedef typename T::head_type type;
struct null_type{};
template<typename HT, typename TT>
struct cons
typedef HT head_type;
typedef TT tail_type;
template <int N>
typename element<N, cons<HT, TT> >::type
get() {
typedef typename element<N, cons<HT, TT> >::type RetType;
return RetType();
template<typename HT>
struct cons<HT, null_type>
typedef HT head_type;
typedef null_type tail_type;
typedef cons<HT, null_type> self_type;
template <int N>
typename element<N, self_type>::type
get() {
typedef typename element<N, cons<HT,null_type> >::type RetType;
return RetType();
//return boost::tuples::get<N>(*this);
template <class T0, class T1, class T2>
struct map_tuple_to_cons
typedef cons<T0,
typename map_tuple_to_cons<T1, T2, null_type>::type
> type;
// The empty tuple is a null_type
template <>
struct map_tuple_to_cons<null_type, null_type, null_type>
typedef null_type type;
template<typename T0, typename T1, typename T2=null_type>
class Tuple;
template<typename T0, typename T1, typename T2>
class Tuple: public map_tuple_to_cons<T0, T1, T2>::type
typedef T0 E0T;
typedef T1 E1T;
typedef T2 E2T;
Tuple(const E0T& e0, const E1T& e1)
{ }
}//endof testNS
using namespace testNS;
template<typename T>
class TA{public:
template<typename T1, typename T2>
void testfun(T1 e1, T2 e2)
Tuple<T1, T2> t1(e1, e2);
//T1 _e1 = t1.template get<0>(); //works
T1 _e1 = t1.get<0>(); //encounter compilor error
the gcc3.4.2 error message:
syntax error before `;' token
the gcc4.2.4 error message:
error: expected primary-expression before ')' token
error: invalid operands of types '<unresolved overloaded function type>' and 'int' to binary 'operator<'
int main()
int i=10;
float f=10.5f;
TA<char> obj;
obj.testfun(i, f);
return 0;
By the way, how can i get contact with boost::tuple author.?
miss you!