// aspect_Test.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include #include #include BOOST_IDL_BEGIN(Ic) BOOST_IDL_FN2(f, void, int, double) BOOST_IDL_FN1(g, void, short) BOOST_IDL_END(Ic) class c { public: void f(int x, double d) { printf("in f\n"); } void g(short s) { printf("in g\n"); } }; class log_advice { template static void before(const Advice& adv, Tuple& args, const char* function, int arity, const char* params[]) { printf("entering function: %s\n", function); } template static void after(const Advice& adv, Tuple& args, const char* function, int arity, const char* params[]) { printf("leaving function: %s\n", function); } }; typedef boost::interfaces::aspect log_aspect; //struct x : public boost::interfaces::crosscut_interface {}; //typedef boost::mpl::list aspects; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { /*c c; Ic ic = c; ic.f(5, 8.9); ic.g(34);*/ //boost::interfaces::detail::crosscut_impl::generator::type c; boost::interfaces::crosscut_interface cint; //c.f(); //c.g(); return 0; }