
After giving up for the first time approximately 1,5 year ago due to so to speak a bit discouraging documentation, for a couple of weeks I'm trying to work things out with BGL.
I implemented a clustering coefficient calculation algorithm for graphs [ ] (only afterwards I discovered that Andrew Sutton has already implemented one waiting to be deployed). I would really appreciate any comments&suggestion about the code (quality, missing concept checks, consistency with genericity of BGL, ...).
Although I thought, this implementation would not work on AdjacencyMatrix graphs, it works. Therefore, AdjacencyMatrix graphs do provide adjacent_vertices and out_edges methods. In the documentation (Graph Concepts page), however, I understand that AdjacencyMatrix Graph is a refinement of Graph (not IncidenceGraph or AdjacencyGraph) and do not provide such methods. Am I missing or misinterpreting something?

