> I believe you can construct property maps over the GraphProperty parameter
> using:
> get_property(g) // Where g is your graph object.
I (and g++) can't find a get_property which takes one argument.
The semantically closest I could find is
get_property(adjacency_list& g, GraphPropertyTag);
Sorry. I was a way off on that one. What I meant to write was:
get_property(g, p)
where property is a property tag like vertex_index or edge_weight. It uses the same mechanism as get(g, p) for getting property maps over vertex or edge properties. None of the graph classes or adapters support bundled graph properties there's a ticket filed.
There's an example (sort of) of this in libs/graph/test/graphviz.cpp. The graph is constructed (more or less) as:
typedef property<vertex_name_t, string,
property<vertex_color_t, float> > vertex_p;
typedef property<edge_weight_t, float> edge_p;
typedef property<graph_name_t, string> graph_p
typedef adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, directedS, vertex_p, edge_p, graph_p> graph_t;
And used as (again, more or less):
dynamic_properties dp;
property_map<graph_t, graph_name>::type gn =
get_property(g, graph_name);
I really don't get how to do it right but have to during the next days...
I definitely appreciate your help and am sorry for any offence my rambling
may have produced (I'm just totally depressed trying to implement some-
thing supposedly trivial for 3 days now and not being able to find ANY
example for this in the docs).
Graph properties have never really been thoroughly evaluated (or documented). There just haven't been that many people that really seemed to use them. Unfortunately, when people were asking, there wasn't a lot of forward momentum on BGL development.
Andrew Sutton