Dear all

 I am facing general programming related logical error. I want to access bolean variable of the class by using get method. but it is not giving the right result. When i read the counter and boolean variable by getcount() and isPathExist() methods. Each time it returns "0" for counter and false for boolean.

My code is below

#include "AlgoPC.h"
#include <boost/graph/depth_first_search.hpp>

//=============================Depth First Search===========================
class DFSVisitor: public default_dfs_visitor
	slBayesianNetwork *pBN;
	int nodeA, nodeC;
        bool exist;
	int counter;

	DFSVisitor(slBayesianNetwork *pBN, int nodeA, int nodeC);
	void discover_vertex(slNode u, const slGraph &g);
        void resetCounter();
	bool isPathExist();
	int getCounter();
DFSVisitor::DFSVisitor(slBayesianNetwork *pBN, int nodeA, int nodeC)
	this->pBN = pBN;
	this->nodeA = nodeA;
	this->nodeC = nodeC;
        this->exist = false;
DFSVisitor::~DFSVisitor() { }
void DFSVisitor::resetCounter()
	this->counter = 0;

void DFSVisitor::discover_vertex(slNode u, const slGraph &g)
	unsigned int varIdx = this->pBN->getVariableIndex(u);
		if ((varIdx == this->nodeC ) && ((this->counter) > 2))
			this->exist = true; 
			cout<<"\n "<<counter<<"  node = "<< varIdx+1;
int DFSVisitor::getCounter()
	return this->counter;
bool DFSVisitor::isPathExist()
	return this->exist;

====================== main program =======================

cout<< "\n a = "<<a<<" c = "<<c;
DFSVisitor vis(this->pBN, a , c);
depth_first_search((slGraph&)this->pBN->get_graph(),visitor(vis).root_vertex(vertex(a, this->pBN->get_graph())));
cout<<"\n counter is = "<<vis.getCounter()<<" Path exist = "<< vis.isPathExist();

======================== out put =========================

counter is = 0 path exist = 0 (false)


I will be thankful to you for guiding me.

Best Regards

Amanullah YASIN
Master2 (ECD)
Ecole Polytechnique
Université de Nantes, France.
Mob#  06 47 62 89 96
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