I am not trying to store a copy. I am trying to store the original Message itself, and not have the container delete the Message when I remove it.. Essentially I want to have m_message_list store Messages that I can remove, use, and then re-add to it.. How can I fix the code?
Once I add Message to the list, I do not need it anywhere else. How can I fix the code?
How can I fix my code to do this?
Pearl Rothman wrote:
I am using Fedora 9, gcc 4.3.0, and boost 1.38.0.
I get the following error when calling the destroyMessage function.
Take in care that intrusive containers don't store copies of objects but objects themselves. So in destroyMessage "hook" is going to be destroyed while inserted in m_message_list and that's why you get the assertion. See documentation:virtual void destroyMessage( Message* msg )
MessageHook hook(msg);
m_message_list.push_back( hook );
boost::intrusive::list<stockTraderMessageHook> m_message_list;
Maybe you just need std::list instead of intrusive.
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