I am not trying to store a copy. I am trying to store the original Message itself, and not have the container delete the Message when I remove it.. Essentially I want to have m_message_list store Messages that I can remove, use, and then re-add to it.. How can I fix the code?

Once I add Message to the list, I do not need it anywhere else. How can I fix the code?

How can I fix my code to do this?

2009/6/10 Ion Gaztañaga <igaztanaga@gmail.com>
Pearl Rothman wrote:
I am using Fedora 9, gcc 4.3.0, and boost 1.38.0.

I get the following error when calling the destroyMessage function.

   virtual void destroyMessage( Message* msg )
               MessageHook hook(msg);
               m_message_list.push_back( hook );

   boost::intrusive::list<stockTraderMessageHook> m_message_list;

Take in care that intrusive containers don't store copies of objects but objects themselves. So in destroyMessage "hook" is going to be destroyed while inserted in m_message_list and that's why you get the assertion. See documentation:


Maybe you just need std::list instead of intrusive.


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