On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 2:06 PM, Steven Watanabe <watanabesj@gmail.com> wrote:

Robert Jones wrote:
I'm finding that pretty much every lambda :: bind call I make is producing a
c4180 warning
under Microsoft which I think is warning about the application a meaningless
qualifier to the
first argument of the bind call.

So given, say

bool f( int );

lambda::bind( f, lambd::_1 );

inside lambda_traits a const qualifier is applied to f, which is already
const, hence the warning.

Anyone know how to avoid this, other than #pragma to disable the warning?

Boost version?  Compiler version?
It compiles cleanly for me with the trunk
and vc9, warning level 4.

In Christ,
Steven Watanabe

Boost 1.33.1, VC++ 2005 - I'd forgotten I'm using such an old version of Boost, as
I'm working on an older version of our product at the moment!

Thanks, Rob.