
sorry for this very basic question. Bjam complains about not finding the boost libraries. This line
#include <boost/mathtools/minima.hpp>
in the header of my code triggers:
> error: boost/math/tools/minima.hpp: No such file or directory

I have installed bjam, works fine (I was provided with an appropiate Jamroot file). I also have installed the boost libraries (via sudo bjam install --prefix=/usr/local/ --toolset=darwin), installation looks ok. I have added /usr/local/include/boost-1_39/** to the header search paths in Xcode, seems to work except for that 'snprintf' error message (for which I already found some references).

However, when invoking bjam from the command line, I somehow have to tell it the location of the boost root directory. I have found some references saying it should be set in the project's Jamrules file:
I have tried to add either of the following two lines to either to the end of my Jamroot file or to a separate Jamrules file (both in my project directory):
path-global BOOST_ROOT : /usr/local/include/boost-1_39 ;
project boost : /usr/local/include/boost-1_39 ;
Adding it the Jamrules file does nothing. Adding them to the Jamroot file produces two different error messages: 'rule path-global unknown' and 'error: Invalid project attribute'
I have also considered adding these to /usr/share/boost-build/user-config.jam.

Just for kicks, I also added '/usr/local/include/boost-1_39' to my path.

I know I have to set the include path somewhere (bjam cannot know what version I am using and thus cannot know the precise path). But I am not sure where exactly and don't really know what to add exactly.

