Hello, Thorsten:

Have you test my case and had the same problem with me? Does it mean that the library should call the function explicitly?

S.C. Leung

2009/7/6 Thorsten Ottosen <thorsten.ottosen@dezide.com>
S.C. Leung skrev:

That's too strange. Maybe the test environments between us are different so I want to send you the range_ex.zip I use. By the way, the "find_first" really call the "find" by making a "Finder object" and that's where the resolution failed. I'm also not sure
if the compiler options have side effects so I post my options as below:

/Od /D "_MBCS" /Gm /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /Fo"Debug\\" /Fd"Debug\vc90.pdb" /W3 /nologo /c /ZI /TP /errorReport:prompt

Lastly, have you replaced std::string with const std::string? That will cause the "find" within "find_first" resoluted as the "find" in range/algorithm/find.hpp in my test environment.

I think the problem might be related to ADL. All boost libraries should
guard against this. For example, in the string library, forwarding calls
should be to


and also in the range library, forwarding calls should use



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