On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 11:06 AM, Vladimir Prus <vladimir@codesourcery.com> wrote:
Robert Jones wrote:

> I know that sounds like a slightly flippant question, but I really don't get
> it.
> I've used tuples a few times, always for the multiple return value behaviour
> using tie( ), but
> in the end it always seems to be a better solution to use a struct.  Code
> like
> t.get<1>( ) = "fred";
> is a bit non-obvious, compared to
> t.forename = "fred";
> So have I entirely missed the point of tuples?

I think your point is valid, and often a structure will be preferable. However there are examples that are killer cases for tuple. My favourite is when combining functors. It is possible to use a tuple of functors that uses the generic for_each mechanism to provide superb maintainable composition, allowing lightweight orthogonally separated pieces of functionality that are when composed suffer zero performance overhead. I have to stop... because I'm getting excited! I can send some examples to the list or to you (Robert) if desired.

FWIW, I've stopped using tuples because using indices as opposed to names turned
out to a maintenance nightmare.

Often this is true, but it's a magnificent tools when it is appropriate.

- Volodya

Neil Groves