So, If I'm calling aysnc_write from the same thread each time, and I'm not waiting for previous writes to complete before starting a new write, how do I know when to free my buffer?
The problem seems to be that the handle_write method will be called to let me know when the write is complete, but I won't have any information in handle_write to know *which* buffer to free... any suggestions?
- Alex

From: [] On Behalf Of Matheus Araújo Aguiar
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Using boost::asio::async_write to stream out data

3. I understand I can't call async_write again before the first one has
been completed (since I don't want my 8kb chunks interleaved), so should
I maintain a queue of buffers waiting to go out?

Then in my handle_write method should I check the queue, if at least one
buffer is in the queue then I should start a new async_write?

Well, i don't know how to answer this one, and maybe that's the problem i'm having right now with my tcp async write code, then i'm so confused as you.

Actually, after thinking a little i guess it is this: If you call async_write from the same thread, then you should not worry about your chunks getting interleaved. But that's not the case if you call async_write from more that one thread and to prevent that you could use a mutex.

Hope it helps,

Matheus Araújo Aguiar
Computer Scientist