2009/7/27 ciju john <johnc@ociweb.com>
Platform: Windows XP Pro
Boost version: 1.38 1.39 (BoostPro binary release)

try {
       boost::filesystem::create_directory ("C:\Program Files\hello123");
     catch (const boost::filesystem::basic_filesystem_error<char*>& ) {
       std::cerr << "Directory creation failed" << std::endl;

The above code crashes if user doesn't have root permission. I assume
some exception is being thrown as catch (...) catches whatevers being
thrown. The documentation says "Throws: basic_filesystem_error<Path>
if  Effects fails for any reason other than because the directory
already exists." The requested directory "C:\Program Files\hello123"
doesn't exist, so I should have caught a
boost::filesystem::basic_filesystem_error. Is this a known issue or am
I the only one seeing this?

basic_filesystem_error<Path> is not the same as basic_filesystem_error<char *> as Path will be a boost::filesystem::path type.

If in doubt, catch (std::exception &e) and inspect the type of e in the debugger.

-- Craig