
I might be wrong, but it seems the answer is "no you can't do that", because the dimensionality is a template parameter multi_array<int, 2> and multi_array<int, 3> are different types. However I would like to hear some else' opinion as well.

Anton Daneyko.

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Alle Meije Wink <a.m.wink@gmail.com> wrote:

I would like to use the multi_array container to handle imaging data. The image data can be anything up to 8-dimensional (usually up to 4) and dimension information is found in records that accompany the binary data.

Would it be possible to create an image class that takes the dimensionality and extents list as parameters, so that images of all dimensionalities can be treated as one class?

For example, could the dimensionality be passed as a size_t argument?

What I understand from the multi_array paper is that the extents list would only be required whan the array is initialised.

Best wishes
Alle Meije
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