On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 9:41 PM, Roman Perepelitsa <roman.perepelitsa@gmail.com> wrote:
2009/8/12 Robert Jones <robertgbjones@gmail.com>

That seems at odds with 'best of breed' ideologies.

Can you elaborate on this? I'm sure I'm wrong, but for me it sounds like "if I'm different, I'm better".

Hi Roman

Yes, I know, and that's more than a little of the problem. It's not always me tho', sometimes
it's someone else who, frankly, is better, does know a little more, does have a more informed
perspective, and when I find myself in their company my hope is that I can learn from them, and
that they will be ready to teach. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.

More importantly tho', is to disassociate the message from the messenger. The only question
that counts is whether there is merit in the techniques and methods being suggested.

IIRC correctly you have kindly answered some of techincal questions in the past.

Regards, Rob.