I'd like to use the simple write_graphviz function
but since my graph doesn't allow multiple edges between two vertices, the graph type is defined by :
typedef adjacency_list <listS,setS, directedS,...>Graph;
but then I can't use the write_graphviz function anymore (compilation error). If I declare my graph with
typedef adjacency_list <listS,vecS, directedS,...>Graph;
it is fine, but have multiple edges...
So my question is : is there a way to use write_graphviz with the setS edges representation ?
I am not terribly familiar with the write_graphviz interface, so this may not be too helpful. I believe the problem is the manner in which setS and vecS identify vertices (descriptors) in the graph data structure. You may need to provide a vertex index map when you call write_graphviz, possibly using dynamic_properties. Unfortunately, I don't have any examples to point at. Perhaps other users will have encountered and solved the same problem.
Andrew Sutton