Ok, so how do I print the results ?

2009/8/23 Steven Watanabe <watanabesj@gmail.com>

Shaolin wrote:
I have constructed some code but am getting some errors. I am trying to use
a vector to hold several values but everytime I execute it I get a page
worth of errors. Code below:

po::options_description desc("Available Options");
   ("file", po::value< vector<string> >(), "specify files to search")

po::variables_map vm;
po::store(po::parse_command_line(ac, av, desc), vm);

if (vm.count("file")) {
   cout << "Files selected: " << vm["file"].as< vector<string> >() << "\n";
} else {
   cout << "No Files selected.\n";

The error is being caused by the following line:

cout << "Files selected: " << vm["file"].as< vector<string> >() << "\n";

The standard library doesn't provide output operators
for containers.

In Christ,
Steven Watanabe

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