
I'm using the boost asio library to create and manage a UDP socket.
In my code I've a for loop in which I send some packets, as follows:

for (it=refreshList.begin(); it !=refreshList.end(); it++){
        std::cout<<"___Refreshing: sent a KADEMLIA2_HELLO_REQ packet to "<< (*it)->getAddressString()<<":"<<(*it)->getUDPPort()<<std::endl;
        Packet* packet = new Packet(CList->getMyNodeID(),true); // KADEMLIA2_HELLO_REQ
        socket->send_to(boost::asio::buffer(packet->getPacket(), packet->getSize()), (*re));

and actually it sends the packets, but just some of them: it stops sending after having sent about 30 packets out of 150, without throwing any exception or giving any error, while the loop continue and all the strings are regularly printed on std::cout.
i'm really puzzled... is there any buffer to flush or any shutdown timer to take into account..? could it be due to another thread that is blocked on the receive_from function..?

