Thanks for the rapid response on the previous question. Now for my real question:
I am using an autodifferentiation library and want to use lambda's bind, but still return a generic type. Is this possible?
Here is the function I wrote :
struct test_function_impl
//result_of supprt
template<typename Sig>
struct result;
template<typename This, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
struct result<This(Arg1, Arg2)> {
typedef typename boost::remove_reference<Arg1>::type::value_type
template<typename Vector, typename IntT>
typename Vector::value_type //The type in the vector... can be a double or AD type
operator()(const Vector& x, IntT y) const{
return x[0] * x[0] + y;
The function works on its own, and now std::tr1::result_of seems to work as well.
However, I cannot bind to this:
using namespace boost::lambda;
ublas::bounded_vector<double, 1> x;
x[0] = 1.0;
int int_value = 1;
//THIS FAILS! Not sure if lambda's bind is using result_of? Obviously, can't use the ret<> approach here.
auto f = bind(test_function_impl(), _1, int_value);
Does lambda support this usage, or should I turn to Phoenix (if so, I am recognizing a trend here).