In order to get asio to compile, you'll need to plug some small holes in the c runtime library that ships with Windows Mobile 5. 

I don't think that windows mobile 5 supports the select based reactors though, so asio may have no asynchronous functionality on windows mobile 5.  At least, that is the behavior I am seeing.

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 1:21 PM, Vassili Gontcharov <> wrote:
Hi James,
I'm out of your question
Can you share your experience for boost asio in WM2005
I tried to compile boost asio for WM2005 using VC8 and STL Port 5.21 but without success

James Pritts a écrit :
I was able to compile boost asio for Windows Mobile 5 using VC 9.0 and STL Port 5.2.1.  The synchronous socket functions seem to be working, but the asynchronous functions never call the provided handlers.  Does anyone know if asio's asunchronous socket functions work on WinMo5?   I know that WinMo 5 does not have i/o completion ports, but the reactors don't seem to be working either.  Is asynchronous i/o not possible on Windows Mobile ?.  I used the following functions:



The async_connect call establishes a connection, but my connect handler is never called.


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