On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 6:31 AM, pedro chaparro <pdro07@gmail.com> wrote:
hi, in the asio examples there are two daytime examples , one use iostreams and the other one sockets, what criteria do i have to follows to choose one or the other? i've not really clear this concept? thanks

Ing Pedro Alonso Chaparro Valero
Ciudad Politecnica de la Innovación
iTEAM - Mobile Communications Group
Polytechnic University of Valencia
C\ Camino de Vera S/N, Edificio 8G
46022 Valencia, Spain

Boost-users mailing list

I have not done any code with iostreams, but conceptually, at a higher level, i believe they're the same: objects that do I/O operations, i.e writes and reads.
If you plan to code something that communicates through a network, then you may want to pick the sockets. Otherwise, I think the iostreams would be the choice, although i can't tell you for sure an example of use.

Matheus Araújo Aguiar
Computer Scientist