Sorry, I should have actually checked my response... This one works :

#include <boost/units/io.hpp>
#include <boost/units/quantity.hpp>
#include <boost/units/systems/si.hpp>

#include <iostream>

using namespace boost::units;

// functor for velocity as a function of time
struct F
typedef quantity<si::time> arg_type;
typedef quantity<si::velocity> ret_type;

// constant velocity
ret_type operator()(const arg_type& t) const { return 1.0*si::meters/si::second; }

template<class F>
typename multiply_typeof_helper<typename F::ret_type,typename F::arg_type>::type
integrate(F& f,typename F::arg_type a,typename F::arg_type b)
// put actual integration algorithm here...
return f(b)*(b-a);

int main(void)
F f;

std::cout << integrate(f,0.0*si::seconds,1.0*si::seconds) << std::endl;