MSVC 8.0

BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_GUID is used to create some static objects for using in serialization.  These memory errors are not too big a deal since they aren't runaway - ie, these objects are created at startup before main() is even called, and the objects are not created over and over again.  They are just not deleted at program exit, which causes my debugger to complain about memory leaks.

I tracked the source of these leaks to two spots in the code.  Unfortunately, the code is so complicated at these points that I can't suggest a fix or workaround.  Hopefully, the maintainers know what this is about.

The first leak is created in \boost_1_40_0\boost\smart_ptr\detail\shared_count.hpp line @ line 124

     pi_ = new sp_counted_impl_pd<P, D>(p, d);

I could be wrong, but it appears to me that the above problem only occurs for serialized objects that are derived from other objects at least twice.  For example, if B is derived from A, and C is derived from B, then


results in a memory leak for C, but not for B.  I think, at least it looks that way.

The second leak is created in \boost_1_40_0\libs\serialization\src\void_cast.cpp @ line 205

        if(* (*it)->m_derived == * m_base)
            new void_caster_shortcut(
                m_difference + (*it)->m_difference,

Again, it appears the these leaks only happen for classes which are derived at least twice.

The above allocations are not deleted at shutdown.  In the second case, it almost appears to me as if a registration function is accidentally getting called twice, and a pointer is getting set first to one allocation and then to a second allocation, which means the first allocation is lost track of.

Thanks for any help,

PS - Just pulled down the latest trunk from SVN.  It appears that many changes in the areas I've mentioned above have occurred, so maybe this issue is fixed.  If so, I'm hoping I can just pull over the include and source file changes made to the serialization library by themselves, but I don't know if those changes rely on other changes in other Boost libraries.