"sam p" <sameersp21@gmail.com> wrote in message news:c49aaa00909250301u40a89efchf26bef1df9a9a95f@mail.gmail.com...
             I am facing backward compatibility problem with boost serialization library 1.39.

My setup is something like this,

(1)   I have one version of my program that is built using boost 1.32 serialization library, lets call it 1_32.exe

(2)   I have another version of my program that is built using boost 1.39 serialization library, lets call it 1_39.exe

(3)   These two versions of my program communicate with each other over network and they use boost text serialization to exchange data.

(4)   Program 1_39.exe is able to deserialize data sent by 1_32.exe but 1_32.exe is not able to deserialize data sent by 1_39.exe


While debugging this problem I realized that program 1_39.exe is putting archive version as “5” and 1_32.exe is putting archive version as “3”. This results into 1_32.exe throwing “Unknown version” exception. While going through boost documentation I read about “Back Versioning” description provided at http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_39_0/libs/serialization/doc/todo.html#backversioning

Looks like its not very difficult to address this issue if we modify some code in boost serialization library.


            Are you planning to address this in near future or can you please advice me on the files those need to be changed? Or is there any simple workaround as a stop gap measure to fix this issue?
I'm not planning on doing this.  Anyone who is interested is free to take a crack at it.
As I noted in the documentation, a cursory examination shows that it wouldn't be
to hard to get started.
In practice it would likely require a lot of effort to complete as it would require
looking at the implemention of all types serialized by the library including
the stl types.
Robert Ramey

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