I have a templated class

template<class U, class V, class W>

class S


//... implementations



and some stock type implementations for type U, V and W:


typedef boost::mpl::vector<U0, U1> u_types;

typedef boost::mpl::vector<V0, V1, V2, V3, V4> u_types;

typedef boost::mpl::vector<W0, W1, W2, W3, W4> w_types;


I want to test class S with all possible combinations of the template arguments,

typedef boost::mpl::vector<



    // ...


    > s_types;


like this:



The only problem is there are 2*5*5 =  50 combinations that I do not wish to type in one by one.


Is there a way to generate all the combinations with boost::mpl or Boost.Preprocessor?

