Could you please try to point compiler for includes

g++ program_name.cpp -lrt -I<here is path for includes I suspect it should be for ex. /usr/local/include/boost_1_39>

and check if it helps?


2009/9/30 manish4gupta <>

I am installing the boost on itanium (64 bit red hat) machine. I am following
the three steps.
./ --prefix=/usr/local
./bjam install

After installation, libboost files are all located in

But i am trying to run one simple code.

#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/allocators/allocator.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/containers/map.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/containers/string.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace boost::interprocess;

//Typedefs of allocators and containers
typedef managed_shared_memory::segment_manager segment_manager_t;
typedef allocator<void, segment_manager_t> void_allocator;
typedef allocator<char, segment_manager_t> char_allocator;
typedef basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, char_allocator>

//Definition of the map holding a string as key and complex_data as mapped
typedef std:air<const char_string, int> map_value_type;
typedef allocator<map_value_type, segment_manager_t>
typedef map< char_string, int, std::less<char_string>,
map_value_type_allocator> complex_map_type;

int main ()

//Create shared memory
managed_shared_memory segment(create_only,"MySharedMemory", 65536);

//An allocator convertible to any allocator<T, segment_manager_t> type
void_allocator alloc_inst (segment.get_segment_manager());

//Construct the shared memory map and fill it
complex_map_type *mymap = segment.construct<complex_map_type>("MyMap")(std::
less<char_string>(), alloc_inst);
char_string cs("test", alloc_inst);

for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
mymap->insert(std:air<char_string, int>(cs , i));
return 0;

with command
g++ program_name.cpp -lrt

It is showing error "No such file and directory" for every header file. This
code is working fine on 32 bit (installed by other person).May i know what
is the pblm?

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