I'll give it a try.


On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 1:51 PM, OvermindDL1 <> wrote:
On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 2:08 AM, Surya Kiran Gullapalli
> Hello,
> The html page is located at
> ""
> btw, when googling around for xpressive the search results pointed to
>, which says xpressive
> is not directly usable with utf-8. I did not find any examples of xpressive
> with utf-8 strings.
> does boost::regex with icu have answer to my question ? (i'm going over it
> now)

Xpressive does not have direct support for UTF8, but it does work fine
with character strings, which is all your search and replace would

Looking at the webpage now...
Ah, yep, that is not a ' symbol or a ` symbol, it is one of those
'specia' Microsoft Word and such things special forward tick symbols,
which yes, encodes as <bh:e2><bh:80><bh:99> (bh mean binary format,
hex, copied from the hex program I opened the page with).  They are
annoying as all freaking heck, but yes, regex or xpressive would work
fine (and xpressive would work faster in static mode).

That is not even the correct placement of a forward tick, someone
screwed up there anyway.
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