Hi, All,


I just have started using boost and have some questions, answers on that i couldn’t find in the documentation.


My interest is in using multi_index_container as combination of advantages of standard bidirectional list as well as fast lookup (insertion) of standard associative container (particularly set).


Let’s say we have the following definitions:


            typedef boost::multi_index_container<






                             UserInfoLess> > >



            typedef UsersContainer::nth_index<0>::type UsersList;

            typedef UsersContainer::nth_index<1>::type UsersSet;



Now we want to insert some value into this container the following way:


            UsersSet& setIndex = m_Users.get<1>();

            std::pair<UsersSet::iterator, bool> insRet = setIndex.insert(someVal);


The question is how can i acquire iterator of m_Users having the iterator UsersSet::iterator ?

Do iterators keep the property of set’s iterators that they remain valid after insertion of an element?


Thanks for the answers,

Vladimir Voronkov.