> If I have 2.5 lines in the buffer then the first two calls to getline will give me the first two lines, but won't the third call to getline get me the half line, and consume that half line from the streambuf? Do I need to process the streambuf in a more manual fashion rather than calling getline on the istream?

If this is the case in your application (i.e. the server might send few lines in a bunch), then I think yes, you have to inspect the sterambuf manually.
Actually, this is the reason I never used read_until - in most cases it doesn't make your code simpler. The one case where it does is when your protocol has a text header and a body (like in HTTP).

> if I was just processing one line in the async_handler, and the first time the server sends me 3 lines, then the handler is called and will process the first line sent. Then the server sends another 3 lines, the async handler is called and the client will process the 2nd line that it received, not the 4th line, right?

Right, the data is added to the "get" area of the streambuf, you don't loose anything. But if your server would not send anything more, there would not be any trigger to continue processing the remained data.