Hi all,
I've some weird problem, its probably simple thing, but I'm probably to tired to find it out. 
g++ throws me following error :
getFunc.h: In static member function ‘static void Logic::setFunctionNameFromStringMsg(const char*, char*, unsigned int, unsigned int)’:
getFunc.h:86: error: ‘tok’ was not declared in this scope

Code looks like this:

static void setFunctionNameFromStringMsg(const char *fTab, char *dst, unsigned int msg_size, unsigned int buf_size)
std::string msg_copy(fTab,msg_size);
boost::char_separator<char> sep("[]@\n\r\t ");  
boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char>> tok(msg_copy, sep);
std::string resFunc;
//line 86
if(tok.begin() != tok.end()) // check is there any function

Funny thing is that there are no problems during CL and intel compilers win32 processing.
Thanks for any advice.