hi, i wanna use boost libraries over visual c++, i have followed all steps in the getting start guide for windows, but even so i get error, what could be the cause? thanks
c:\documents and settings\juan antonio\escritorio\boost_1_40_0\boost_1_40_0\boost\aligned_storage.hpp(65) : error C2989: 'aligned_storage_imp<0,alignment_>' : template class has already been defined as a non-template class
c:\documents and settings\juan antonio\escritorio\boost_1_40_0\boost_1_40_0\boost\aligned_storage.hpp(65) : error C2988: unrecognizable template declaration/definition
c:\documents and settings\juan antonio\escritorio\boost_1_40_0\boost_1_40_0\boost\type_traits\floating_point_promotion.hpp(78) : fatal error C1506: unrecoverable block scoping error
Error executing cl.exe.
example.obj - 3 error(s), 0 warning(s)
Ing Pedro Alonso Chaparro Valero
Ciudad Politecnica de la Innovación
iTEAM - Mobile Communications Group
Polytechnic University of Valencia
C\ Camino de Vera S/N, Edificio 8G
46022 Valencia, Spain