
I've attempted to compile a portion of the example source code for the Asio streambuf class. The code attempts to convert a streambuf to a const_buffers_type, to be used in receiving data from a UDP socket. The example can be found at "http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_40_0/doc/html/boost_asio/reference/streambuf.html". The code in question is as follows:

boost::asio::streambuf b;
// reserve 512 bytes in output sequence
boost::asio::streambuf::const_buffers_type bufs = b.prepare(512);

For simplicity, I tried compiling only these two lines but I receive this compilation error:
error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'boost::asio::basic_streambuf<>::mutable_buffers_type' to 'boost::asio::const_buffers_1'

Am I missing something obvious? It's my understanding that mutable buffers can always be converted to constant buffers. Why is the second line problematic?

-- Dylan