
I would like to know how can I create a 10 bits view that makes it possible to use interleaved_view.
My data are described as follow:

You understand easily that a rgba pixel is stored on 40 bits...
I tried this:

            typedef bit_aligned_pixel_reference<uint64_t, mpl::vector4_c<uint16_t, 10, 10, 10, 10>, rgba_layout_t, true>  rgba10101010_ref_t;
            // A mutable iterator over RGB101010 pixels
            typedef bit_aligned_pixel_iterator<rgba10101010_ref_t> rgba10101010_ptr_t;
            typedef std::iterator_traits<rgba10101010_ptr_t>::value_type rgba10101010_pixel_t;
            // View type from pixel type
            typedef view_type_from_pixel<rgba10101010_pixel_t>::type rgba10101010_view_t;
            rgba10101010_view_t src;

But it does a mess with my pixels... (and makes it impossible to use copy_and_convert_pixels(src, rgba16_view_t(view(img))); )

If anyone could help me, that would be great !

Thank you by advance,