2009/11/25 Marshall Clow <mclow.lists@gmail.com>

On Nov 25, 2009, at 9:04 AM, Hartmut Kaiser wrote:

>>>> There is a uuid library available in the boost sandbox. I seem to
>>>> remember it having a bug on Windows, but it was quick to fix.

> Even more, this already has been reviewed and accepted. But the author
> disappeared *sigh*.

I would be willing to take over this library, Hartmut.

The last sign of the author was a few months ago [1], so I'm not sure this is necessary yet.

That said, I think at the very least, libraries which have been accepted into boost - even if they have a couple of non-critical issues pending - should go into some sort of actual "release" process, just to give library authors the incentive for that final push...

[1] - http://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2009/08/155485.php