I've just got back to configuring\building boost for our compiler again. In one of the tests I'm running into a compiler error, perhaps I'm hoping someone can help me figure out what's going wrong. The test is libs/bind/test/bind_cdecl_mf_test.cpp and i'm getting a parse error fairly early on (line 30) and an undefined identifier "F" (line 32).


$ c:/analog/tools6.0/ccblkfn.exe c:/dsp_testsuite/TESTS/boost/boost_1_40_0/libs/bind/test/bind_cdecl_mf_test.cpp -double-size-64 -Ic:/dsp_testsuite/TESTS/boost/boost_1_40_0/ -full-io -full-cpplib -c++ -eh -rtti c:/dsp_testsuite/TESTS/boost/bf_cplb.c -proc ADSP-BF537 -O -time -D__DSPTEST_API__ -D__DSPTEST_USING_60__ -flags-link -MDUSE_SDRAM_HEAP -flags-link -MDUSE_CACHE   -o d_dsptest_bind_cdecl_mf_testcpp_0e80028.dxe  -DBOOST_NO_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_ORDERING

ccblkfn.exe: Compiling c:\dsp_testsuite\TESTS\boost\boost_1_40_0\libs\bind\test\bind_cdecl_mf_test.cpp

"c:\dsp_testsuite\TESTS\boost\boost_1_40_0\boost/bind/mem_fn_template.hpp", line 30: cc0018:  error:

          expected a ")"




"c:\dsp_testsuite\TESTS\boost\boost_1_40_0\boost/bind/mem_fn_template.hpp", line 32: cc0020:  error:

          identifier "F" is undefined

      F f_;



<snip, lots more errors here. suspect due to F being undefined>


Perhaps I'm missing a define in my configuration header, or this is a genuine error in our compiler.


- Sean