Ok, thanks :) I was looking for a gil concept.

You are right, I am trying to do some SFINAE, now it works well :)
I am trying to do some channel merging with templated functors (one which uses alpha and another which doesn't).
If you are interested by the code (LGPL) I have made, I can send you what I have done. Maybe are you interested by adding such functions in a future version of gil ?
I give you two files that shows the principle. I don't know if that will be usefull to you, anyway I think it's an interesting feature to put in gil.
(the files I give to you is subject of bugs: it is under development).


2009/12/2 Christian Henning <chhenning@gmail.com>

> I would do something like that (not tested):
> BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(mpl::contains<typename color_space_type<Pixel>::type,
> alpha_t>::value);

This works just fine.

> But I don't know if it is a good idea.
> Is there a way to do that with gil_function_requires ?

You mean by adding a new concept to gil? I would just go with the
metafunction you provided above. What are you trying to do? Some

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