I am using boost condition_variables to block while waiting for an asynchronous response. I am seeing an error that happens at random whenever I am releasing the lock just before calling notify_one. The error goes away if I keep the lock and release after notify_one.

Here is the code:

class BlockingRequest{

        // predicate class
        class ResponseStatus
            ResponseStatus( bool& received ) : m_received( received )

            bool operator()() const
                return m_received;

            bool& m_received;

          //blocking request

std::string Request( const std::string& request )
     boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock( mutex );
     //perform asynchronous request through network or something else, pass RequestHandler as a handler
     boost::posix_time::milliseconds timeoutDuration( 10000 ); //wait for 10 seconds

     if( !condition.timed_wait( lock, timeoutDuration, ResponseStatus( received ) ) )
           throw std::exception( "Request timed out" );

     return receivedMessage;

//some other thread calls this function
void RequestHandler( const std::string& message, void* caller )
     BlockingRequest* myRequest = reinterpret_cast< BlockingRequest* >( caller );

     boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock( myRequest->mutex );

     myRequest->receivedMessage = message;

     myRequest->received = true;

        if this next line in bold is commented out, code works fine... contrary to Boost documentation.
