I get an assertion failed error... but I don't know if that would help:
"_Pvector == NULL || (((_Myvec *)_Pvector)->_Myfirst <= _Ptr && _Ptr <= ((_Myvec *)_Pvector->_Mylast)" and soon after everything blows up.
Here's a thought.. suppose that the thread receiving the response (so the one that calls notify_one), locks the mutex multiple times (without notifying every time)...
like this:
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock( mutex );
if( response == "something I care about" )
and multiple responses did come through. What would the effects be in the condition variable?
Why is it that since we already hold a mutex in the requesting thread, the thread handling the response can successfully lock that mutex too? Does the condition.wait call set something in the lock?
AMDGWhat error do you get?
Alessandro Bellina wrote:
I am using boost condition_variables to block while waiting for an
asynchronous response. I am seeing an error that happens at random whenever
I am releasing the lock just before calling notify_one. The error goes away
if I keep the lock and release after notify_one.
In Christ,
Steven Watanabe
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