Have you looked at boost::variant<>? You would need to make a few code changes:

typedef boost::variant<double, long, int, float> ParamValue;

After doing this, you no longer need a BaseParamValue or any inheritance at all for that matter. 
class Param
     Param() : mParamValue(0) {}
     Param(const string& type)
         : mParamValue(create_param(type))

    ParamValue create_param(const string& type)
          if (type == "LONG") return ParamValue(0L);
          else if (type == "DOUBLE") return ParamValue(0.0);

    ParamValue mParamValue;

class TestVisit : public boost::static_visitor<>
    void operator()(double d) const

    void operator()(long l) const

    void operator(float f) const

class TestVisitReturn : public boost::static_visitor<bool>
    bool operator()(double d) const
        return true;

    bool operator()(long l) const
        return true;

    bool operator(float f) const
        return true;

Alternatively, you could templatize the operator() to accept  any of the types. 

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    ParamValue value("LONG");

    boost::apply_visitor(TestVisit(), value);

    bool result = boost::apply_visitor(TestVisitReturn(), value);