On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 4:41 PM, Lloyd <lloyd@cdactvm.in> wrote:
This is the way I create new thread

void TCPConnection::MyFunction()
boost::thread *th=new boost::thread(boost::bind(&TCPConnection::ExecutionRoutine,shared_from_this(),Command));

when the ExecutionRoutine() finishes its execution, naturally the destructor of the TCPConnection class has to be called. But it never gets called! But if call a join from someware else (th->join()) the destructor of the TCPConnection class gets called and the connection is terminated, otherwise the it continues in the connected state!!

What could be the mistake I am doing?

If not mistaken that's the normal behavior which requires parent thread to join() its child threads, for proper release of thread resources, and I don't think it is specific to Boost.Thread. I might be wrong though.


What kind of waist?
I guess the name of the function mislead you. join() in this context
means "wait" - nothing more.
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