On 11/01/2010 15:52, Vladimir Prus wrote:
Simon Pickles wrote:

Using Visual Studio, it is possible to 'Ignore Specific Library'
(Project Properties>Configuration Properties>Linker>Input>Ignore
Specific Library).

We have found this a useful feature in a project. Now we want to build
the project using bjam, but we need to reproduce that linker behaviour.

Is there any ignore <library> feature?
Could you clarify what that option does in Visual Studio, what command line
option does it correspond to, 


and how do you want Boost.Build support of
that option to behave?
I just want boost.build to pass that to the linker, although I am sure this is not portable.

Have I just answered my own question? Can I simply add my own statements to the linker command line with bjam?

