Hi all,

I try the following scenario:

- a C++ library (my own code), unmanaged, makes use of boost (e.g. regex)
- a C++ .NET application (windows forms based) planned as GUI (having used Borland C++ builder in the past, the windows forms approach looks quite appealing to me)

- my C++ library header is included in the .Net form header file wrapped in a #pragma unmanaged/managed pair.

I compiles and links well.

For simple test purposes, I instantiate a class from my C++ library in the form constructor. Calling some unmanaged code from my library there creates a debug assertion:

"Debug Assertion Failed!
Expression: _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pUserData)

The call stack at that moment is as follows ("Application.exe" is my Windows Forms Application):

>       msvcr90d.dll!_msize_dbg(void * pUserData=0x8914c5e3, int nBlockUse=2)  Zeile 1511 + 0x30 Bytes  C++
        msvcr90d.dll!_dllonexit_nolock(int (void)* func=0x89521903, void (void)* * * pbegin=0x0012f000, void (void)* * * pend=0x0012eff8)  Zeile 295 + 0xd Bytes        C

        msvcr90d.dll!__dllonexit(int (void)* func=0x89521903, void (void)* * * pbegin=0x0012f000, void (void)* * * pend=0x0012eff8)  Zeile 273 + 0x11 Bytes     C

        Application.exe!_onexit(int (void)* func=0x0046dce0)  Zeile 110 + 0x1b Bytes    C
        Application.exe!atexit(void (void)* func=0x0046dce0)  Zeile 127 + 0x9 Bytes     C
        Application.exe!boost::re_detail::`dynamic initializer for 'block_cache''()  Zeile 191 + 0x2b Bytes     C++
        [Übergang von Verwaltet zu Systemeigen]
        Application.exe!_initterm(void** pfbegin = 0x0046E3A4, void pfend = ) Zeile 130 C++
        Application.exe!<CrtImplementationDetails>::LanguageSupport::InitializeNative() Zeile 555       C++
        Application.exe!<CrtImplementationDetails>::LanguageSupport::_Initialize() Zeile 678    C++
        Application.exe!<CrtImplementationDetails>::LanguageSupport::Initialize() Zeile 876     C++
        Application.exe!?.cctor@@$$FYMXXZ() Zeile 922 + 0x9 Bytes       C++
        [Unten angegebene Rahmen sind möglicherweise nicht korrekt und/oder fehlen, keine Symbole geladen für mscorwks.dll]    


To me, it looks like the DLL initialization failed.

Is anybody out there who might help me with this issue? I am completely new to this .Net thing...

Best regards



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