Again thank you all who helped me in this .

>>This is likely a secondary effect from some other error.
It was secondary error.

>>A complete shot in the dark but it is possible it might be the problem.

This was the problem, so it wasn't shot in the dark at all.
The problem was that my classes have the following class members :
shared_ptr<const T> , vector<const T>, vector<shared_ptr<const T>> and many others  that have const inside them. I can not remove const from these, altghough  I wish :)
I was casting const away ( ) for all this members only at the point of loading, for example in many cases I was saving vector<const T> and loading vector<T>. Now I added const cast at the point of saving too, so saving and loading is symmetric. It seems it works Ok now, and I hope this is the right way to solve the problem.


On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 12:28 PM, Richard Crossley <> wrote:
A complete shot in the dark but it is possible it might be the problem.

 Sometime back you showed your solution  to serializing a shared_ptr<> to
const object [1].  As you showed it, it was asymmetric in that it wrote out
a shared_ptr<X const> whilst reading in a shared_ptr<X>. Once you add
polymorphic types to the archive you could encounter problems similar to
those you mention.




[] On Behalf Of elizabeta petreska
Sent: 15 January 2010 13:32
Subject: [Boost-users] [Serialization] Runtime error in load_pointer

I do not have small working example, and can't reduce the problem to such. I
know that is impossible to say what can be the problem from the following
information, but still
I 'll give it a try.
I am getting runtime error in STL ( vector is out of range error ) when
trying to load my shared pointer.
The runtime error happens in basic_iarchive.cpp line line 431 :

       cobject_id_vector[i].bpis_ptr = bpis_ptr;

 I am using boost 1.41. Anyone has seen this error and maybe knows what can
get to it.


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