I am wondering if its possible to integrate boost::test into my logging system so I can segregate the log messages into the individual tests.  Right now I have the results redirecting to a file, but all I get is 'this succeeded, this failed' and there is no way to go into my apps log file and tie the failed tests to the log messages. 
I was wondering if there is some mechanism I can write up that will allow me to log the test name at the beginning and end of the test so I end up with output like:

LOG_INFO: Starting test 'zero_length_string_test'
LOG_ERROR: String is zero length!
LOG_WARN: Could not create new string
LOG_INFO: End test 'zero_length_string_test'

Then when I go to my results I can do a quick search of my apps log to find out why something failed.

So is there someway to get a hold of the current test name in a fixture, or is there someway to setup a global fixture that is executed for each test and has this information?
