On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 7:43 PM, joel falcou <joel.falcou@lri.fr> wrote:

I mean, 1970 called and they want them back ...

I find it really sad that Google (which is known world-wide to be a leader in technology) could violate such industry standards as not leaving an instance in an unknown state... and prohibiting exceptions. And both of them simplify code in exponential amounts.

Google had the opportunity to create a (simple, at the time) algorithm that made them a lot of money, but violating these principles makes me seriously doubt their technological excellence.

I hope that managers everywhere don't make the mistake of making Google's POV theirs.

This, along with the EBML Ctrl-C Ctrl-V rip-off called "Protocol Buffers", makes me really doubt Google.

For me, the Boost community knows more about C++ than a dozen blended Stroustrups.
