On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 4:55 PM, Jesse Perla <jesseperla@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi there,
I am excited to start using ranges in user code with standard
algorithms (mostly copy, transform, binary_searches).

Is it safe for me to start using code with range/range_ex?

Absolutely, it's very safe to start using it! There are users of range_ex in substantial applications.

I am frantically updating documentation and making minor changes as related to the review. If you stick to the pipe (|) syntax the interface remains stable. I need to rename the make_xxx_range functions before getting this into the sandbox. The only reason RangeEx is not in the current release is due to the need to update documentation and make some minor changes before submission. It is not due to known defects.

RangeEx is most definitely supported despite my infuriating lack of progress due to job changes and other life nonsense. I will respond to issues in a good time frame, and will have everything ready for a proper boost release but after 1.42.

I fully encourage using RangeEx. If you need assistance, changes, or new features please ask.

Neil Groves