2010/2/4 Ravi <lists_ravi@lavabit.com>
On Tuesday 02 February 2010 21:29:40 Hicham Mouline wrote:
> I can't find this left shift operator in Boost.PP.
> Do you mean   <<  ?
> But then how do I evaluate it in the context of the preprocessor?

Unless I have misunderstood your question (very likely), isn't this what you

#define POWER2(a) (1<<a)
// Example usage in the context of the preprocessor
#if POWER2(3) == 8
#error "Success, correct calculation"
#error "Failure"

How about this?

// Must expand to "int foo8;", but it does not.
int BOOST_PP_CAT(foo, POWER2(3));

Roman Perepelitsa.