Hi all,
Currently, I'm working on a Windows C++ program that was developed by a third party and I'm just working out the kinks and adding new features. I'm not 100% familar with threads, but I think I have the general idea down. The project is a client/server backup solution. The problem I am running into is this after the code pasted below:
void CTransferServer::startCommandThread() {
 int iCommandPort = _wtoi(configHandler->getTextValue(L"TransferCommandPort"));
 SOCKET socCommand = CSocHandler::getServerSocket(iCommandPort);
 if (socCommand == INVALID_SOCKET) {
  //cout << "\nCould not create transfer command server socket." << WSAGetLastError();
 if (listen(socCommand, SOMAXCONN)) {
  //cout << "\nCould not listen on transfer command port." << WSAGetLastError();
 while (blStarted) {
  SOCKET sa = accept(socCommand, 0, 0);                  // block for connection request 
  if (sa ==INVALID_SOCKET) {

  void **params = (void **) malloc(sizeof(void*)*2);
  SOCKET *s = new SOCKET;
  *s = sa;
  params[0] = (void*)this;
  params[1] = (void*)s;
  DWORD dwGenericThread;
  //unsigned int iGenericThread;
  HANDLE hWorkerThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, transferCommandWorkerThread, params, 0, &dwGenericThread);
  //HANDLE hWorkerThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, transferCommandWorkerThread, params, 0, &iGenericThread);
  wcout << "Transfer Server worker command handle: " << hWorkerThread << endl;
  //WaitForSingleObject(hWorkerThread, INFINITE);
You can see the while-loop that creates a socket that accepts a connection, it then passes this socket off as a parameter used in the thread creation. Here's the code for the transferCommandWorkerThread:
DWORD WINAPI transferCommandWorkerThread(LPVOID param) {
 void **params = (void **)param;
 CTransferServer *transferServer = (CTransferServer*)params[0];
 SOCKET *commandSocket = (SOCKET*)params[1];
 delete commandSocket;
 return 0;
So this workerThread passes the socket off to another function that handles the command connection and then deletes/frees the data used. All that aside, here's the issue. This while-loop generates hundreds of thousands of handles in a matter of days. This causes all kinds of problems on the server (there's a similar issue with clients using identical functions) and either the server needs to be rebooted or the program shut down. I tried to use WaitForSingleObject() and then CloseHandle() but it seems to close the handle prematurely. This causes the client/server to not communicate and interrupt any data transfer. I am wondering if using boost::thread will make handling the destruction of the threads easier. I've been researching it but I can't find any solid information on whether or not CloseHandle(), or something similar, needs to be run. I'm just trying to see if using Boost is the right direction to go.