
2010/2/8 Andrew Sutton <>

Here is the backtrace from gdb (sorry ...). Eric, no I did not forget to add vertices in my graph. It is build in another function that I removed for clarity. I have 333 vertices in my graph, and 4 edges. Do I correctly use the edge_reverse property_map?

Can you pin down a line number?

Sorry for my previous message. Enabling debug flags, I had a better idea of the problem:

/usr/include/boost/graph/kolmogorov_max_flow.hpp:115: [...] Assertion `m_rev_edge_map[m_rev_edge_map[*ei]] == *ei' failed.

So, I add in my code:

    rev[p_reverse.first] = p.first;
    // ...
    rev[p2_reverse.first] = p2.first;

It seems now to work correctly.
Thanks for your help.



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