I would like to call a function using named parameters where I construct the values from two different argument packs.  How do I write a function that will generically take the union of all of the named parameters?  I am using Intel C++ 11.1 with C++0X features turned on, so 'decltype' and 'auto' are kosher, but not alternative function syntax.  Also, the types I might have in the args could be by value or reference or constant reference, so I can't just copy them all by value.

Here is a simple example to see what I mean:


template<typename ArgPack>
double f(const ArgPack& args)
return args[_name1] + args[_name2] + args[_name3];

//Test using the argpack directly... this works fine.
std::cout << f(
(_name1 = 1.0, _name2 = 1.0, _name3 = 1.0)

//Now try to combine them:

template<typename ArgPack1, typename ArgPack2>
double g(const ArgPack1& args1, const ArgPack2& args2)
return f( parameter_union(args1, args2) ); //HOW DO I WRITE THE parameter_union FUNCTION?

std::cout << g(
(_name1 = 1.0, _name2 = 1.0),
(_name3 = 1.0)

Thanks for your help,