
A colleague of mine opened a ticket more than a year ago (https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2831) for a GIL defect. In fact, the custom color converter for color_converted_view on any_view is not plugged. The problem is also described in the title of the ticket.
What is the status of this ticket? The changes are very simple, and are still not done in 1.42 version.
Instead of:

template <typename DstP, typename Result> struct color_converted_view_fn {
    typedef Result result_type;
    template <typename View> result_type operator()(const View& src) const { return result_type(color_converted_view<DstP>(src)); }

There should be:

template <typename DstP, typename Result, typename CC = default_color_converter> struct color_converted_view_fn {
    typedef Result result_type;
    color_converted_view_fn(CC cc = CC()): _cc(cc) {}

    template <typename View> result_type operator()(const View& src) const { return result_type(color_converted_view<DstP>(src, _cc)); }

        CC _cc;

Best regards.
